Although the Dockland layout will be mostly DCC, the shuttle at the front of the layout will be DC, controlled by the black box on the right which is a refugee from the first series of the Great Model Railway Challenge. I wish I could remember what the indicator lights did?
A new power supply has been added and the picture above shows the plug and socket arrangement used to route the power to the baseboards – I must remember to screw up the collar next week.
The previous power arrangements had a volt meter and ammeter on each supply. A prototype box was 3D printed to check that it could be correctly mounted. On the day it proved more sensible to route the new supply at the far end of the board, so only two meters will be required.

This was going to be the final box. Unfortunately the printer ran out of black PET-G filament about two thirds of the way through. Another one kilogram reel should be delivered tomorrow.
Most layouts have documentation but seldom is there any set location for it to be filed. This resulkts in a mad scrabble through the clubhouse whenever documentation is needed.
The sparkies has revolted and insisted that there is a shelf or rack under or at the side of the layout to keep the documentation clean and readily available.