Most modellers put off the laying of track ballast for as long as possible. However, the connection of droppers, the wires that provide power to the track, may come a close second.
Whereas Malcolm had the luxury of a seat and a conveniently sited set of electronics to work with. Dave had drawn the short straw (Malcolm always carried two short straws with him) and had the job of locating the right droppers under the layout.
Still progress was made and the dock shunter is now travelling along ever more of the layout as each section of track is connected and the modules, connecting power to the points, are connected and tested. Ray was on hand to ensure that Dave and Malcolm connected the wires correctly – or at least that’s what Ray said.
The points are operated by servo motors, mounted on 3D printed supports. Allan had problem with one of the supports and has decided to reprint it.
Perhaps too much has been said, recently, about the electrics. Meanwhile work has continued on the construction of the harbour.
Each stone is being hand made and slow the harbour masonry is taking shape.
It has not been a straightforward process. Early attempts had to be removed by an angle grinder.
We keep asking when we can pour the water into the harbour and add the plastic ducks, regrettably not to scale. I have tried to find words to bring justice to Malcolm’s reaction but, again, have failed dismally.