Some members seem to think I take a delight in highlighting their electrical misdemeanors. The tables are now turned, If you look at this underboard picture so will see examples of what happens under many layouts. There are three categories of wires: –
- DCC Power
- Servo control for the points
- occupancy detection
- Wiring to the computer.
Even using multiple coloured wires it soon becomes difficult to identify what is what and difficult to keep the wiring tidy.
On the plus side, every module has screw connectors or plug and sockets so that modules can easily be replaced if there is a problem.
The layout started with a void of 1cm under the board. This has had to increase to 2cm, mainly because of the green push-fit connectors. Many of the connections use crimped ferrules to protect the wires, but it is a very tedious job to crimp everything. The push-fit connectors are far faster,
Next step is tidying the twisted pair cables and then carrying some detailed testing before the Exhibition.