So far so good. The servos and servo control modules have been added to the board and now need to be wired up.
The use of terminating ferrules to make the wiring more robust in the connectors works well but it is a very tedious task. When adding signalling to Meinrheinszene, the use of miniature wago type connectors was piloted and these worked well. Unfortunately they are taller than the screw connectors so some feet have to be added to the aluminium U channel to give more height.
The DC power wiring has now been added along with the wires that will switch the points.
The use of the push connectors has worked well but the volume of wires is now giving concern, and this is without the occupancy detector wring being added.
The problem is the dropper and DC power wiring being brought to two sources. A ring main approach could have been adoptedĀ but the connectors and the boards have difficulty in accepting larger ferrules.
For the purposes of this test layout, no changes will be made. However the next iteration needs to consider the use of a wiring bus to reduce the number of wires.
There are now 22 modules on the board with one or two yet to be added. The next iteration will need to consider how to reduce the number of boards and consider ways of deploying them in a more orderly fashion..