Those huts keep sprouting up! Seriously they are needed. As the baseboards are from a different era, they are substantially built with bulkheads in all the wrong places. The consequence of this is that many of the point servos have had to be mounted on top of the boards and a significant number of hutsm hills and coal heaps are going to be needed to disguise them. Richard has his work cut out to keep up with demand.
An impromptu workshop was held in the afternoon to teach shaun and Malcolm H about the fundamentals of the CBUS layout control system.
Ray spent the afternoon making the dropper connections more secure and then hiding the remaining wiring to keep the layout neat and tidy.
Shaun had to solve a point problem. One of the loops in the fiddle yard had the point at one end working but not the other. Some slaving over a hot computer was necessary to solve the problem.
The layout manage, Dave, was ballasting again – what more can I say!
Out of sight, Malcolm C took on the role of Slarty Bladfast and sculpted the landscape under the viaduct.
Contrary to the impression given in the photo, they all have been known to talk to one another!